Are you...


Are you stuck in the rut of old patterns and habits, and unable to overcome them?

Do you struggle to sustain new habits?

Many a time do you become the victim of your own emotions and feel helpless and guilty?

Are you are trying to change your behavior by only changing your behavior, and lacking the results that you deserve?

Are you curious to know the neuroscience of your subconscious mind?

Are you struggling to achieve your financial goals?    

Are you looking for big breakthroughs in your life?

10 Power-Packed Training Modules


Master fundamentals & potential


The problem is that we quickly jump into the practical applications of the powers of the subconscious mind, without the conceptual understanding and the basis…

Change Your Habit, Change Your Life


Are you stuck in the rut of old patterns and habits, and unable to overcome them? Do you struggle to sustain new habits. In this online training series…

Emotionally Intelligent Responses


Many a time do you become the victim of your own emotions and feel helpless and guilty? Learn the art and science of managing your emotions…

Power-up Your Immune System


In today’s era your immune system will be frequently put to test. You need to be physically fit from within. In this time and tested series you learn the art…

Creation of New Identity Leads


Are you are trying to change your behavior by only changing your behavior, and lacking the results that you deserve? When you reprogram your new identity…

Big Breakthroughs Begin with Beliefs


The beliefs that we live with are not ours, they have have been imposed by society, media without our conscious will. Learn to create your own beliefs aligning to…

The Neuroscience of Sub-conscious Mind


The lack of scientific understanding of the subconscious mind makes us understand only the tip of the iceberg. In this online training…

Metaphoric Language of Your Dreams


We all almost dream for 3 hours, but seldom remember it. Our subconscious mind sends many signals, messages, and guidance but we seldom remember it…

Create Your Financial Blueprint


Lack of clear financial goals always keeps us directionless, and not focusing on the right things. Create a financial blueprint of your life so that you are more…

Setting Goals, the Subconscious Way 


If you don’t have your goal then other people’s goals become your goal.  When your goals are clearly set you become more efficient in managing your time, efforts…

What will you LEARN?


To intensely and intentionally create new and empowering habits and prune away the dis-empowering ones.

The art and science of managing your emotions, than letting your emotions manage you.

The art of self-hypnosis and affirmations to power-up your immune system.

The creation of your new identity.

To decode and demystify the metaphoric language of your dreams.  

To create your own beliefs aligning to your goals and desires.

Gain the conscious understanding of the workings of your brain pertaining to the subconscious mind. 

To make financial blueprint realistic and attainable.

To apply the best psychology-based methods, tools, and techniques for goal setting, spiritual, mental, relations, and personal well-being    

What people are saying


This Unique NLP Program by Ravi (NeuroIntelligence) has has made me minutely aware and alert. It is neural astonishment, which I see.

The style of Ravi is such a direct one with high power blended with ultimate knowledge and supersonic sound. Ravi you are the complete kit of human transformation system.

I see you a great giver of knowledge, you are infinite in giving and sharing your insights. I know you have invested your life to search the pearls of knowledge and wisdom. I am extremely impressed and influenced by you.

Soft Skill Trainer

As an IT professional NLP has helped me to connect better with my team. The techniques of NLP really eliminated my bad habit patterns, now I am able to organize my

I attended the certification program in November 2019 but it is still going on in the form of weekly webinars.

Ravi had a great support system for continuous learning and he makes the concepts very easy to understand through metaphors, games and practical exercises.

IT Proffessional

The program has taught me that mind is a part of human body so when I work on the mind, it results in complete progress in life. I realized some key changes in myself…

1. Reduction in stress or negative pressure
2. Faith in relations
3. Break in unwanted habits
4. Start of physical exercise

The most appealing part of the training was trainer Ravi Bodani. He taught us how to learn rather than what to learn. With complete emphasis on co-learning, he lives NLP and explains NLP in different dimensions. For each technique he brings in novelty and continues giving support through what’s app group and webinars. I genuinely feel trainer Ravi is the best choice for NLP.


The program will be conducted by Ravi Bodani


Ravi Bodani


A certified Gallup Strength Coach, NLP Trainer and Master practitioner

Ravi, with his expertise in Neuropsychology, is successfully training the generation that focuses on an inside-out approach.

His mission is to promote self-reliance based on training and practice. A certified Gallup Strength Coach, NLP Trainer and Master practitioner, he has been training and Coaching in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Mindfulness and Science of Meditation since 2015.

With a background in Computer Engineering, he found his passion and calling in coaching and training matters of the mind.

Ravi beautifully combines Neuroscience, Metaphors and Experiential learning to provide congruent solutions for all kinds of personal and professional problems. He acts as a catalyst in bringing positive outcomes in people’s lives by making them take control of their mind and therefore their life.

By focusing on the “whys” and “hows” of the brain, he trains people to equip themselves with skills that allow them to lead a productive life with a healthier mind and body.

Ravi is one of the most result-driven NLP trainers in the country today. He focuses on the personal development for all his pupils and empowers them to attain their maximum potential in every realm.

Ravi’s methods incorporate mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of self with the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Science of the Mind, Psychology and focus on accelerated right-brain learning.

In the last 5 years, Ravi has made his life a demonstration of brilliant power with his wisdom and is setting an example of everything he teaches and more.

Ravi’s methods are deeply rooted in research about mind science & neuropsychology and have a proven record of achieving fantastic results with a focus on human excellence.

Who should attend this program?


The Encyclopedia of the Subconscious Mind is for best prescribed for ...

self employed and working professionals


life coaches


family counselors



students and

anyone who is interested in developing himself or herself for the next level.

Program Details


Starts: 24th Oct. 2020

Duration: 21 days

Frequency: Every alternate day

Program Format: One day training. Next day home assignment

Timings: 7 pm to 8.30 pm

Training modules:12

Fees: ₹ 2,100 per person (inclusive of all taxes)

What do I get with this program?


Apart 2 bonus sessions to sustain and actionize the key learnings of the program ...

Completion Certificate

Program Workbook
Free Audio-Recordings for Subconscious Mind Programming

LIFETIME access to our global community for constant practice and answers to your doubts

Our Clients


Frequently Asked Questions


A video recording of the module will be shared for a limited period of time (for 12 hours) so that you can go through the module. Our program is highly experiential, interactive and discussion oriented through most of the learning happens, so we request you to be present in-person and not depend on video recordings. 

The purpose of home assignments is to practice what you have learnt in the program. To give you ample time to complete the assignments we will be conducting modules every alternate day. 

The very purpose of keeping a day’s gap between two modules is that you get ample time to practice and experience what was learnt during the program. Missing the assignments, however, will have some potential challenges for you to get the grip on the upcoming topic. 

The original price of this program is Rs. 25,000 per participant, inclusive of all taxes. Because of the pandemic we are offering at Rs. 15,000 per participant. If you pay the complete fees before or on 25th August you get additional 2,500 as the early bird discount. If more than one person registers from the family an additional 10% discount will be offered, if the registrations are at the same time. 

Apart from 10 modules we will be conducting 2 bonus sessions to sustain and actionize the key learnings of the program. A WhatsApp and Facebook group of all the participants will be created to answer your queries. To update you on the latest development on the subconscious mind we will be regularly posting videos and articles on Facebook.

Yes. In every session we will have breakout rooms in which we will have powerful exercises and case studies to solidify the learnings of that day’s topic. 

No, you need not have the science background because the program will be facilitated in simple and understandable science. 


Yes, we will be sharing the scale down version of the presentation in the PDF format. 

The program will be conducted in English and Hindi

Yes, if you complete all the modules and the accompanying assignments. 

The Encyclopedia of the Subconscious Mind is for best prescribed for self employed and working professionals, entrepreneurs, life coaches, therapists, family counselors, couples, parents, students and anyone who is interested in developing himself or herself for the next level.


Neurointelligence Training and Coaching Solutions
248, Shagun Textiles, 1st Floor, Pimpri, Pune – 411017
Phone: +91-7083480800
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Master the fundamentals, and the potential is unlimited!

Want to change how you feel about housework or paperwork to how you feel about dancing or some other fun thing? Or maybe you love housework and would like to feel the same way about dancing? Mapping across transfers the submodalities or elements from one particular state or context to another. It is particularly useful when you want to make a resource state available somewhere else.

These two videos demonstrate the overlapping technique the first to deal with a chocolate addiction, the second shows how the pattern can be used to change like to dislike.

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life

Are you stuck in the rut of old patterns and habits, and unable to overcome them?

Do you struggle to sustain new habits?  

In this online training series you will learn how to intensely and intentionally create new and empowering habits and prune away the dis-empowering ones.

When you understand the brain science of the formation of habits you come in the position to consciously control the habits.

Your Health, Wealth, Happiness, Fitness and Success Depend on your habits.

A large part of virtue consists in good habits. “HABITS ARE NOT A FINISH LINE TO BE CROSSED, THEY ARE A LIFESTYLE TO BE LIVED”

The Art & Science of ‘Emotionally Intelligent’ Responses

Many a time do you become the victim of your own emotions and feel helpless and guilty?

Learn the art and science of managing your emotions, than letting your emotions manage you.                           

Learn the scientific technique of the subconscious mind to identify and manage your emotional responses    

It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of the heart over head- it is the unique intersection of both.

Emotional Intelligence accounts for 85% of success at work and in life…Intelligence Quotient is a threshold competence, you need it ,but it doesn’t make you a star…Emotional Quotient does!

Neurons that fire together wire together…Joe Dispenza.  

Power-up Your Immune System

In today’s era your immune system will be frequently put to test. You need to be physically fit from within. 

In this time and tested series you learn the art of self-hypnosis and affirmations to power-up your immune system.         

Your thoughts and feelings release the neurotransmitters that have a direct impact on your immune system.

The cells in your body react to everything that your mind says, negativity brings down your immune system.

Your immune system is comprised of the sum total of your emotions you go through everyday!…RB

Creation of New Identity Leads to Creation of New Behaviors

Are you are trying to change your behavior by only changing your behavior, and lacking the results that you deserve?  

When you reprogram your new identity and then align your behaviors with this very identity the results are nothing, but desired    

The methods and techniques of subconscious mind that you will learn in this program will foster the creation of this new identity.  

Your new behaviors, beliefs, and responses automatically conform to your identity.

“Identity is the incredible invisible force that controls your whole life, like gravity is invisible that controls the universe”

Decode and Demystify the Metaphoric Language of Your Dreams

We all almost dream for 3 hours, but seldom remember it. Our subconscious mind sends many signals, messages, and guidance but we seldom remember it.

After knowing the language of the subconscious mind you will start to decode and demystify the metaphoric language of your dreams.  

Through self-hypnosis and understanding the fundamental nature of metaphors you can potentially be adept in interpreting and analyzing your dreams.   

“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to  a knowledge of the subconscious activities of the mind”….Sigmund Freud.

Big Breakthroughs Begin with Beliefs

The beliefs that we live with are not ours, they have have been imposed by society, media without our conscious will.    

Learn to create your own beliefs aligning to your goals and desires

Beliefs are the roots of your reality, so work on the roots which will directly impact the fruits.     

“All personal breakthroughs begin with a change in beliefs”

The Neuroscience of Sub-conscious Mind

The lack of scientific understanding of the subconscious mind makes us understand only the tip of the iceberg.     

In this online training series you will gain the conscious understanding of the workings of your brain pertaining to the subconscious mind. 

Years of research on neuroscience will be explained in a very simplified way. 

Your DNA is parts list of potentials that are waiting for your instructions!

Create Your Financial Blueprint

Lack of clear financial goals always keeps us directionless, and not focusing on the right things.

Create a financial blueprint of your life so that you are more focused and directionalized in doing the right things for your financial upliftment.

After knowing the workings of your innate and high potential subconscious mind you can make financial blueprint realistic and attainable  

Manifestation of your financial reality is determined by the manifestation of your identity…RB

Setting Goals, the Subconscious Way

If you don’t have your goal then other people’s goals become your goal.  

When your goals are clearly set you become more efficient in managing your time, efforts and resources. 

In this series we will together learn and apply the best psychology-based methods, tools, and techniques for goal setting, spiritual, mental, relations, and personal well-being   

Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here.