High Performing Teams


More than ever, teams rely on the involvement, enthusiasm and commitment of their employees to be successful. The efforts of individual contributors working together have produced many of the world’s greatest discoveries, accomplishments and innovations.



According to Gallup’s 2017 State of the Global Workplace report, only 15% of employees worldwide are engaged in their jobs – that is, they are emotionally invested in and focused on creating value for their teams and organizations every day. Gallup’s global study of employee engagement shows that actively disengaged workers – those who are negative and potentially hostile to their team, organization or customers – make up nearly 20% of the workforce.

Globally, managers are missing out on the full potential of 85% of their employees.

If there is one area that has the potential to transform a team’s or organization’s entire culture and improve business outcomes, it’s building more strengths-based teams. Why?


Because it’s proven to have a significant effect on key performance outcomes.

Higher employee engagement

Higher customer engagement

Higher profit

Lower attrition in high-turnover organizations

What Is a Strengths-Based Team?


A strengths-based team is a group of imperfect but talented contributors whom others value for their strengths and who need one another to realize individual and team excellence.

The common language of CliftonStrengths gives team members a shortcut for knowing and trusting one another. Communicating using strengths fosters productive, ongoing conversations about the talents people bring to certain situations. It’s a language that bridges cultural and organizational demographics, giving team members a shared way to describe why they’re unique and how it benefits the team.

Members of a strengths-based team know each other’s talent filters. They understand how each person likely thinks, acts and feels. This awareness helps the team build effective partnerships and navigate the issues that all teams encounter.

Focusing on Team Performance


A team’s success depends on its ability to perform with excellence. We as strengths coach helps managers and teams perform well by making sure that every coaching conversation – whether with a manager, a team member or an entire team – focuses on performance.

Strengths-based development is more than identifying strengths. It’s about helping teams recognize, develop and use their talents to accomplish their goals.

After identifying clear and actionable performance goals, we as strengths coaches help managers and teams use their individual and collective talents to focus on the team’s most important objectives.

We keep managers and teams focused on their desired outcomes by helping them determine and, if necessary, build objective performance measures. These measures indicate where the team stands in relation to its ability to achieve the goal.

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