High Performance Sales



by harnessing the power of Advanced Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP is the Science and Art of Producing Excellence in Sales and Business Relationships


A Great Sales Professional is Expected to…

Create a Rapport

Possess Negotiation Skills

Close the Sale

Handle Objections

Identify the Unsaid Needs of the Client

Present to Different Stakeholders of Client Organization

Have Great Communication & Influencing Skills

Always be in a State of Peak Performance

And all these things should happen in a limited time, which by all means can be very overwhelming.    

In this workshop, we intend to cover all the above skills through the basis of simplified psychology and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and maximizing your chances of having most of the above if not all…making a better salesperson than you currently are.

What is NLP?

The basic structure of NLP can be defined with three prime elements



NEURO (The Mind)
It is the Nervous System that comprises of our brain and body. It defines how we think, imagine, feel and perceive things.



LINGUISTIC (The Language)
It consists of the language we use; verbal, non-verbal, and self-talk. The language part of NLP covers much more than just speaking. We use this language to communicate with the environment and also what environment uses to communicate with us through our 5 senses viz. vision, hearing, taste, touch/feel and smell.



PROGRAMMING (The Connection)
It is the automatic response. Every involuntary response we have – our actions, our behavior, our emotions and even our beliefs are a result of the program running. Our brain is continuously being programmed by our environment, past memories, individual experiences and perceptions.

 NLP is a toolkit of techniques that let you produce excellence in sales and business relationships

What will you LEARN?


How to make accurate observations (93% of communication is non-verbal and only 7% is verbal!) and ask the right questions to identify the unsaid demands of your client 

Tools, techniques, and methodology to create unconscious rapport with your clients in the shortest possible time

To shift from an un-resourceful state to a state of peak performance. (At times because of hectic travelling, back-to-back meetings and bad sales experience we tend to get into a low or unresourceful state affecting our performance in other meetings)

“To sell the way your client wants to be sold”.  Some clients prefer a visual presentation, whereas some clients want to experience your product before they make the decision, some clients expect you to be very elaborative in the information about your product. The challenge now is how to identify who is who.

To reach the inner realms of the unconscious mind to create new desired behaviors and habits by modeling the behaviours & habits of successful sales professionals.

And above all NLP will make you to LOVE sales

NLP can help sales professionals and their clients save valuable time and money, in addition to helping people in general become more successful individuals.

What people are saying


This Unique NLP Program by Ravi (NeuroIntelligence) has has made me minutely aware and alert. It is neural astonishment, which I see.

The style of Ravi is such a direct one with high power blended with ultimate knowledge and supersonic sound. Ravi you are the complete kit of human transformation system.

I see you a great giver of knowledge, you are infinite in giving and sharing your insights. I know you have invested your life to search the pearls of knowledge and wisdom. I am extremely impressed and influenced by you.

Soft Skill Trainer

As an IT professional NLP has helped me to connect better with my team. The techniques of NLP really eliminated my bad habit patterns, now I am able to organize my

I attended the certification program in November 2019 but it is still going on in the form of weekly webinars.

Ravi had a great support system for continuous learning and he makes the concepts very easy to understand through metaphors, games and practical exercises.

IT Proffessional

The program has taught me that mind is a part of human body so when I work on the mind, it results in complete progress in life. I realized some key changes in myself…

1. Reduction in stress or negative pressure
2. Faith in relations
3. Break in unwanted habits
4. Start of physical exercise

The most appealing part of the training was trainer Ravi Bodani. He taught us how to learn rather than what to learn. With complete emphasis on co-learning, he lives NLP and explains NLP in different dimensions. For each technique he brings in novelty and continues giving support through what’s app group and webinars. I genuinely feel trainer Ravi is the best choice for NLP.



Neurointelligence Training and Coaching Solutions
248, Shagun Textiles, 1st Floor, Pimpri, Pune - 411017
Phone: +91 - 70834 80800
Email: sanjay@neurointelligence.in
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