Are You Living On The Cause Side or The Effect Side?

Are You Living On The Cause Side or The Effect Side?

“I am having a disturbed sleep BECAUSE of the heavy workload”
“I am frustrated BECAUSE of my boss’s style of micro-managing the things”
“I have lost my peace BECAUSE of the new responsibilities that have come up with the career advancement”

We all have heard or keep hearing such emotionally heavy statements, every day. If you are an HR, coach, or counselor then it’s routine for you to common across such grievances in the workplace.

Take a guess, what is common in the first three above statements?
Did you notice the word ‘BECAUSE’?

From the context of the statements, the word ‘because’ signifies that people are placing the cause of their condition, their problem somewhere outside. They are not taking up the responsibility for their condition, but making some person, thing, or event responsible.

They believe, that until and unless things don’t change outside, their condition won’t change inside. So, they wait for things to change, instead of taking charge.

The problem with this thinking pattern is that they feel helpless, powerless, and victimized. With time, they become habitual blamers.

They live their life on the EFFECT Side. And not on the CAUSE Side.

Happiness, solutions, and empowerment lie on the CAUSE Side.

The study of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) course EMPOWERS people to LIVE ON THE CAUSE SIDE, irrespective of the situations and events that happen.

One of the ways to shift from the Effect side to the Cause side is to ask yourself the right set of questions.

Questions like…

  • What is that I am doing because of which I am getting disturbed sleep?
  • What are the resources (skills/knowledge) I am lacking that are giving me such stress about my promotion?
  • What mindset of mine is stopping me be happy about my career advancement?

Can you see the structure of these questions? These questions bring us to the CAUSE Side, the Solution Side, on the Side of Empowerment.

If you, your employees, or your managers don’t learn how to make this shift, they’ll continue their pattern of finding wrong on the outside. Not only will this impede their professional growth, but also their personal success.


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