NLP is the Study of Human Excellence
NLP is Creating Influence in Your Communications
NLP is the Art & Science Leading People Effectively
NLP is the Psychology of Understanding People
NLP is the Study of Dealing with Workforce Diversity

The basic structure of NLP can be defined with three prime elements

NEURO (The Mind)
It is the Nervous System that comprises of our mind and body, and the way they are interlinked through communication.

LINGUISTIC (The Language)
Linguistics is the language of the nervous system (i.e.5 senses and verbal words) through which communication within that nervous system and others take place.

PROGRAMMING (The Connection)
It is the ability to utilize the linguistics in a way that produces behavioral outputs, through which your results in life are determined by.

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Content of NLP Practitioner Course

NLP Practitioner Training Modules

History & Introduction to NLP

NLP began in the early 1970s when an associate professor at the university of California,
John Grinder teamed up with a student, Richard Bandler…

Sensory Acuity

Sensory Acuity is the ability to make use of our senses (vision, smell, taste, touch, hearing, and feeling) to make accurate observations

Rapport Building

When people are like each other, they like each other. And when they like each other they are both having their guards down paving a way for very effective…

NLP Presuppositions

The presuppositions of NLP are like the 10 commandments of the bible. If abided and followed will lead you to become the best version of yourself.

VAK Systems

We rely on our senses to process information and communicate with the world. Surprisingly, one of the senses becomes our predominant and preferred…


Anchoring in NLP refers to a process of associating a desired internal response to an external/internal trigger.


We are going NLP is fundamentally a Model than just a theory. It’s more generative than just fixing problems. It does not just focus on the apparent…

Communication Model

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming began as a model of how we communicate and interact with ourselves and others. The NLP communication…

Pillars of NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming consists of four pillars. These four pillars serve as the key skills that a person can use in order to experience improvements…

Eye Accessing Cues

Our eyes move in particular directions when we are engaged in different types of thinking. In Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) these patterns are …

SWISH Pattern

The swish pattern is a classic NLP technique that is most often used to help people overcome automatic habits that are hard to let go. Smoking, nail-biting…

Like to Dislike

Want to change how you feel about housework or paperwork to how you feel about dancing or some other fun thing? Or maybe you love housework…

Testimonials for NLP Course

The program will be conducted by Ravi Bodani

Ravi Bodani

NLP Trainer, Gallup Strengths Coach, Talent Development Professional & Counselor

Ravi, with his expertise in Neuropsychology, is successfully training the generation that focuses on an inside-out approach.

His mission is to promote self-reliance based on training and practice.

A Gallup Strength Coach, NLP Trainer and NLP Master Practitioner, he has been certifying, training, coaching and conducting workshops in Neuro Linguistic Programming, since 2010.

Ravi beautifully combines Neuroscience, Metaphors and Experiential learning to provide congruent solutions for all kinds of personal and professional problems.

He acts as a catalyst in bringing positive outcomes in people’s lives by making them take control of their mind and therefore their life.

By focusing on the “whys” and “hows” of the brain, he trains people to equip themselves with skills that allow them to lead a productive life with a healthier mind and body.

Ravi is one of the most result-driven NLP trainers in the country today. He focuses on the personal development for all his pupils and empowers them to attain their maximum potential in every realm.

Ravi’s methods incorporate mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of self with the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Science of the Mind, Psychology and focus on accelerated right-brain learning.

Ravi’s methods are deeply rooted in research about mind science & neuropsychology and have a proven record of achieving fantastic results with a focus on human excellence.

Listen to Our Podcast "Enlightening NLP Conversations"

Listen to Our Exclusive Podcast
"Enlightening NLP Conversations"

Episode 1: What is NLP?
Episode 2: Model of Communication (The Heart & Soul of NLP)

Enquire for Our Live
Classroom NLP Practitioner Course

Pune (6 Days): 12th – 14th May & 19th – 21st May 2023
Goa (5 Days): 7th June to 11th June 2023

NLP Practitioner Certification Course Dates & Details

What do I get with NLP Certification Course?<gwmw style="display:none;

(Rs. 40,000 value)
Opportunity to repeat the course once at not cost


(Rs. 2,500 Value)
NLP Training Course Material – A 200 page workbook in hard copy and digital format

(Rs. 2,500 Value)
A pendrive consisting of all audio recorded lectures.


(Rs. 3,500)
Free PDF books on NLP

Post-workshop (monthly) online practice sessions to sustain and actionize the key learnings of the course

Lifetime access to our Learning Management System & Video Library


Access to our NLP Practitioner WhatsApp Alumni group

Lifetime Access to EXCLUSIVE videos and articles.

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Neurointelligence Training and Coaching Solutions

248, Shagun Textiles, 1st Floor, Pune - 411017
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History & Introduction to NLP

NLP began in the early 1970s when an associate professor at the university of California, John Grinder teamed up with a student, Richard Bandler. Bandler and Grinder were curious as to why certain people were more successful in what they did than others. 

Bandler then took appointments with the top three people in the industry to figure out what made them who they are and what was the common thread that connected their principles. NLP was thus born.

Sensory Acuity

Sensory Acuity is the ability to make use of our senses (vision, smell, taste, touch, hearing, and feeling) to make accurate observations within ourselves and others to comprehend what’s being communicated beyond words.

Prof. Albert Mehrabian of the University of California in Los Angeles, in his studies, suggested that we overwhelmingly deduce our feelings, attitudes, and beliefs about what someone says not by the actual words spoken, but by the speaker’s body language and tone of voice.

We usually rely on the words in our communication and make very less use of our senses. Unfortunately, the opposite is the ACE in the deck of cards.          

The NLP Associate Practitioner course opens the doorway to strengthen our sensory muscles so that we are now accurate in making observations within ourselves and others and lead and influence any communication.

Rapport Building

When people are like each other, they like each other. And when they like each other they are both having their guards down paving a way for very effective communication. It’s like creating an unconscious trust with people you associate with.  For example…

As managers and leaders, your employees will undeniably accept your feedback, advice, suggestions, and work-orders.  What if we are not in rapport with the people we associate with? 
The majority of our communication happens without rapport, leaving us far behind from the reality shared in the examples above. In this certification course, you will learn tools, techniques, and methodology to create unconscious rapport with anybody you come across, reinstating your position as a leader to lead and influence any communication thereon.  

NLP Presuppositions

The presuppositions of NLP are like the 10 commandments of the bible. If abided and followed will lead you to become the best version of yourself.  

The presupposition is that chapter of the user manual of your mind which promotes your sustaining stance on being at the cause side of the equation and not on the effect.  

In this course, you will be introduced to these powerful NLP presuppositions that if internalized can strengthen your stance of the at the cause side.

VAK Systems

We rely on our senses to process information and communicate with the world. Surprisingly, one of the senses becomes our predominant and preferred mode of communication. 

Some people understand better when they visualize with pictures, diagrams, charts, and visual words like “How does it look like to you?”. Here the word ‘look’ will be the unconsciously chosen word giving the listener a clue of the speaker’s preferred modality being visual. 

Similarly, if the speaker’s preferred modality is auditory (sounds, words, pitch, tonality) she would unconsciously say the same thing as “How does that resonate with you?” Here the clue word is ‘resonate’.

Lastly, now if the speaker’s preferred modality is kinaesthetic (feelings, touch, activity) she would unconsciously say the same thing as “How does that feel to you?”   

Many of us are not aware of such modalities in the first place! Leaving all the outcomes of our communication left to chance, therefore shaking the very purpose of communication. 

This NLP course gives us the opportunity to discover, develop, and potentially master the art of identifying our preferred modality and in others. This will not only enable us to lead any conversation but will also help us to build better rapport by temporarily being flexible in our modality to suit the need of that conversation.


Anchoring in NLP refers to a process of associating a desired internal response to an external/internal trigger.

It’s like your having the lever/gear of your states in your hand. It’s one of the fundamental aspects of NLP which provides a study and techniques to choose your response to any specific stimulus.

Usually our responses are more on the ‘Reflex’ side than a conscious choice.

Our feelings, emotions and states are normally determined by the outside environmental trigger making us ‘out of control’ of our own states and behaviour. Anchoring, however,does exactly the opposite


We are going NLP is fundamentally a Model than just a theory. It’s more generative than just fixing problems. It does not just focus on the apparent behaviour and problems but rather on Whats primarily causing those unwanted behaviours and problems.

Linguistics is that fascinating branch of mainstream NLP that focuses on how language can be a tool to reach the inner realms of the unconscious mind that’s creating this behaviours and problems

Same word in our communications we use has a different meaning to the every other person.

Communication Model

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming began as a model of how we communicate and interact with ourselves and others. The NLP communication model explains how we process the information that comes in from outside us and what we do with it inside.

The internal representations that we make about an outside event are not essentially the event itself. What happens is that there is an external event and we run that event through our internal processing. We make an Internal Representation (I/R) of that event. The I/R of the event then combines with a physiology to create a state. The word “State” refers to the internal emotional state of the individual. happy, sad, motivated etc.

Pillars of NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming consists of four pillars. These four pillars serve as the key skills that a person can use in order to experience improvements in their ability to effectively communicate, transform ideas into realities and make goals achievable.

Once these four pillars of NLP are deeply rooted into the mind, a person will start to experience positive changes in all areas of their life viz. physical, mental, social, financial, and spiritual.

  • Outcome Orientation

NLP is an outcome orientated discipline. That means whatever we do we must have a clear objective or goal. In order to achieve a successful outcome one must first define the outcome and be clear on what it is. 

Outcome orientation is also about setting direction. A positive direction rather than a negative one. NLP acknowledges that negatively stated outcomes are ill formed and more likely to get you more of the thing you don’t want. 

  • Sensory Acuity or Awareness

Sensory acuity is about using the senses and being aware of what is going on both in yourself and the environment around you.

It is important to be aware of what is working and what is not.

People often continue doing the same things in their lives without paying attention to what works and what does not.

When you are working towards your outcome you need to also develop a level of awareness that allows you to distinguish between what is working (and therefore moving you closer to achieving your outcome) and what is not.

  • Behavioural Flexibility

Behavioral flexibility refers to an individual’s ability to adapt to different situations while keeping in mind that there are several possible ways to deal with it. Once you possess behavioral flexibility, switching to different tactics will become smooth and seamless. This is one of the key skills that you can learn in NLP.

You will learn how to look at circumstances from different perspectives enabling you to accumulate a wide range of information, thereby increasing your choices.

  • Rapport

One of the most important pillars of NLP is rapport. Rapport is one major prerequisite of communication so that mutual trust, confidence, belief and understanding will exist. The existence of rapport in communication gives a person the feeling that their concerns are highly regarded by the person with whom they are communicating or sharing their concerns with.

Rapport is one skill in communication that anybody can learn. Once you have rapport, you can create a positive impression and show that you are sincerely responsive to what the other person is saying.

Eye Accessing Cues

Our eyes move in particular directions when we are engaged in different types of thinking. In Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) these patterns are called eye accessing cues and they can be very illuminating.

In a nutshell, to access visual information we automatically look up. When accessing auditory information, our eyes move horizontally left or right. And both feelings and inner dialogue are accessed by looking down into the bottom left and right-hand corners of our eyes.

A positive use for this information would be to develop your ability to communicate effectively with others. 

SWISH Pattern

The swish pattern is a classic NLP technique that is most often used to help people overcome automatic habits that are hard to let go. Smoking, nail-biting, overeating, and sudden emotional reactions are a few of the many swish-able problems.

The swish pattern falls into a category of Neuro-Linguistic Programming called submodalities (VAK model), which refer to the qualities of our inner imagery, sounds, and feelings. Once we understand the structure of our thoughts and feelings, we can change that structure. The swish pattern is one way to alter our inner world that happens to transform unwanted habits

Like to Dislike

Want to change how you feel about housework or paperwork to how you feel about dancing or some other fun thing? Or maybe you love housework and would like to feel the same way about dancing? Mapping across transfers the submodalities or elements from one particular state or context to another. It is particularly useful when you want to make a resource state available somewhere else.

These two videos demonstrate the overlapping technique the first to deal with a chocolate addiction, the second shows how the pattern can be used to change like to dislike.